Cisco Cisco Active Network Abstraction 3.7 Documentation Roadmaps

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Cisco Active Network Abstraction 3.7.3 Documentation Guide
  Getting Started with Cisco ANA
Workflow Editor, which manages workflows.
VNE Customization Builder (VCB), a command-line tool for adding NEs, modules, and events 
to an installed Cisco ANA system, thereby extending the installed Cisco ANA software.
This guide also lists the registry parameters you can use to customize event and alarm reporting, how 
to launch external applications from Cisco ANA NetworkVision, and Drools rules management. 
(Although this guide was not updated for the Cisco ANA 3.7.3 release, its content is relevant.)
how to create and customize Cisco ANA NSA activation scripts and workflows.
For licensing information on third party and open source used in Cisco ANA 3.7.3, read through:
—Lists the licenses and notices for 
open source software used in Cisco ANA 3.7.3.
To learn how to integrate Cisco ANA with other OSSs using the Cisco ANA integration tools and 
northbound APIs, read through:
—Describes the Broadband Query 
Language (BQL) and Information Model Objects (IMOs), and their functions. It also explains how 
to run BQL over web services (WSDL) connections and over HTTP interfaces, and how to manage 
SNMP notifications. (This guide was not updated for the Cisco ANA 3.7.3 release.)
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
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information, see What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation at: 
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