Cisco Cisco Intelligent Automation for SAP System Refresh User Guide

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Cisco TEO—Process Automation Guide for Incident Response for SAP
Chapter 2      Understanding the Automation Pack Content
  Viewing Automation Pack Content and Dependencies
Incident Response for SAP Processes
The following table contains the processes that are imported by the Incident Response for SAP 
automation pack.
Process Name
ABAP ShortDumps Last 1 hour – DB2
Detects the number of shortdumps occuring in the last one 
ABAP ShortDumps Last 1 hour – DB2 
Detects the number of shortdumps occuring in the last one 
ABAP ShortDumps Last 1 hour – Oracle
Detects the number of shortdumps occuring in the last one 
ABAP ShortDumps Last 1 hour – SQL 
Detects the number of shortdumps occuring in the last one 
ABAP Terminations (ShortDumps)
Detects when an ABAP program terminates abnormally.
Active Work Processes
Collects number of active work processes.
Aging Exclusive Transaction Lock 
Detects and analyzes the cause of exclusive database locks. 
This process examines the system work processes to 
identify the process holding the lock.
Applications System Log Messages
Detects all messages in the SAP system log that generate 
alerts relevant to applications.
Background Processing Errors
Scans the job log for defined error messages to determine 
why a job aborted. The process will only analyze jobs 
defined in the global variable “Background Jobs Aborted – 
List of Jobs”. The process is triggered by a CCMS alert 
when a job aborts.
Background Processing Server Metrics
Collects background processing performance metrics of 
each application server.
Background Processing System Metrics
Collects performance metrics of the system-wide 
background processing system.
Background System Log Messages
Detects all messages in the SAP system log that generate 
alerts relevant to background processing.
Bad DB Indexes
Detects LiveCache defective database indexes.
BasisSystem System Log Messages
Detects all messages in the SAP system log that generate 
alerts relevant to the basis subsystem.
BatchInput System Log Messages
Detects all messages in the SAP system log that generate 
alerts relevant to the batch input (BDC) subsystem.
Blocked Queues
Detects and analyzes qRFC blocked CCMS alerts. This 
process creates an incident only if another CCMS queue 
blocked incident did not happen in the last 15 minutes.
Blocked Integration Server qRFC Queues Analyzes the status of the XI integration server qRFC 
Buffer Hit Rate: "CUA"
Examines the status of SAP application server buffers for 
user interface elements. This process analyzes the buffer 
hit rate percentage to accurately identify buffer utilization.