Cisco Cisco Tidal Ent. Orchestrator Adapter Content Pack for Windows Server Information Guide

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Outing the Outages
An SAP customer since 1995, CSR has an experienced SAP team 
and broad user base. Like most companies, the business is always 
looking for ways to increase the value of its IT investments and 
reduce its maintenance costs. To that end, in 2007, the company 
decided to migrate its SAP data from an Oracle database to a  
Microsoft SQL database. During the migration, CSR began to  
experience IT stability issues, including some SAP system outages 
— the longest outage lasted eight hours and affected a number of 
business functions. 
  “Our SAP ERP system is mission-critical to us,” explains Adam 
Bunn, SAP Basis Team Lead at CSR. “It literally opens our cash 
register drawers in our retail outlets. And some of our facto-
ries dispatch products 24 hours a day. So if the system is down, 
we can’t process the dispatch paperwork and trucks back up at 
the docks while we’re forced to manually write out the proper  
documentation. Those sorts of issues have a direct impact on our  
ability to do business.”
  An outage will be extended if the right people are not alert-
ed early enough. For example, if an outage occurs overnight, it 
might not be detected until the morning. This delay creates a time 
crunch to get the right people involved to fix the problem. 
  CSR needed a monitoring and automation solution that would 
quickly correlate alerts and incidents for a wider array of technol-
ogies beyond SAP applications — namely Microsoft’s System Cen-
ter Operations Manager (MS SCOM). “We run a lot of Microsoft 
CSR’s Monitoring Functionality 
Wish List
CSR defined specific requirements when 
seeking out a monitoring and alerting  
solution. Functionalities the business  
liked in SAP IT Process Automation by 
Cisco included:
•  Ability to switch on only specific SAP 
•  Customizable parameters for alert  
threshold and context
•  Simple wizard to add/remove/change 
alerting SAP systems
•  Integration with external alerting systems 
like MS SCOM
•  Automated incident analysis and diagnostic 
reporting that creates alerts for real issues 
that might directly affect users 
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