Cisco Cisco NAM 2220 Appliance Getting Started Guide

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Effective Application Delivery with Cisco NAM and  
NetQoS Reporting
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Business Benefits for IT Executives 
As businesses increasingly rely on enterprise applications 
to help ensure efficient operations, IT can benefit by com-
bining Cisco NAM and NetQoS reporting in many ways:
Enhance service levels with consistent application 
Implement baselines and performance thresholds 
for proactive management
Improve operational efficiency with faster problem 
resolution and greater productivity
Increase productivity with role-based views, interac-
tive workflows, and actionable intelligence
Maximize the value of IT investment with optimized 
use of network resources
Anticipate infrastructure changes by analyzing 
resource usage and traffic trends
Why Cisco and NetQoS?
Cisco NAM is available as an integrated service module 
or self-contained appliance, offering the deployment 
flexibility and visibility required to deliver consistent 
performance levels across the network. The NAM service 
module can be easily installed into the leading switch-
ing and routing platforms, such as Cisco Catalyst
Series Switch, Cisco 7600 Series Router, and Cisco 2800 
and 3800 Series Integrated Services Routers. As an inte-
grated solution into the Cisco platforms, Cisco NAM uses 
direct access to the data path to provide granular packet-
level visibility and precise application performance 
analytics. Cisco NAM also allows third-party management 
applications to pull meaningful data to build additional 
value on top of Cisco NAM.  
NetQoS SuperAgent uses Cisco NAM as a rich source of 
performance information to deliver comprehensive appli-
cation response time reports with intuitive workflows. In 
addition, NetQoS SuperAgent facilitates access to Cisco 
NAM for real-time, granular visibility and troubleshooting 
to help ensure effective application delivery.
* Note: 
NetQoS and SuperAgent are registered trade-
marks of NetQoS, Inc. in the United States and in other 
For More Information
For more information about the Cisco NAM product family, 
, contact your local 
account representative or the Cisco NAM product market-
ing group at 
For more information about NetQoS SuperAgent, visit 
 or contact NetQoS at 