Cisco Cisco Prime Home 2.4 Developer's Guide

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Cisco Prime Home – Integration Guide
OL-28557-01   v5.0.1
getObject(path.tail, child)  
} else { 

getObject(path, jsonObject).put(path.last, value) 
jsonObject } 
  * Allows you to set an object property deep within a JSON 
object tree. 
  * For example given: { x: { y: {} } }, you can call: 
deepPut("x.y.z", "1") to 
  * yield { x: { y: { z: 1 } } } 
  * @param path a '.' separated path of to the property to 
  * @return the resulting JSON object 
def deepPut(path: String, value: String): JSONObject = 
deepPut(path.split('.').toList, value) } 
  * A rich wrapper around a JSON array  
  * @param jsonObject the wrapped JSON object  
class RichJSONArray(jsonArray: JSONArray) { 
     * Converts a JSON array to a list of json objects. 
useful for  
     * arrays in the form: [{}, {}, ... {}] 
     * @return a list of JSON objects 
def toJSONObjectList(): List[JSONObject] = { 
var buffer = new ListBuffer[JSONObject] 
for (ix <- 0 until jsonArray.length) buffer += 

  * An implicit conversion to the wrapped JSON object 
 implicit def toRichJSONObject(jsonObject: JSONObject) = new 
  * An implicit conversion to the wrapped JSON array 
implicit def toRichJSONArray(jsonArray: JSONArray) = new 
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