Cisco Cisco Visual Quality Experience Application Release Notes

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Release Notes for Cisco CDA Visual Quality Experience Application Release 3.6
  Installing VQE Release 3.6 Software
ISO Clean Installation 
An ISO clean installation is used to install VQE software on a new CDE111/ CDE250 2V0 server. An 
ISO clean installation can also be used on an existing VQE system to restore the server to a factory 
default state. An ISO clean installation reformats the hard drive and reinstalls the operating system and 
other packages, such as the VQE software. All old configurations are removed. 
After the ISO clean installation is complete, the system automatically reboots and allows you to log in 
as root. Next the VQE Startup Configuration Utility automatically runs. This utility allows you to specify 
initial configuration values for the CDE111/ CDE250 2V0 server and the VQE software. Using this 
input, the VQE Startup Configuration Utility generates initial VQE Configuration Database (VCDB) 
contents and reboots the CDE111/ CDE250 2V0 server. When the server comes back up, the VQE 
Configuration Engine applies the changes in VCDB to the configuration files under the /etc directory.
When an ISO clean installation is performed at the factory on a new CDE111/ CDE250 2V0 server, after 
the installation is complete, the server reboots and is powered down. When the CDE111/ CDE250 2V0 
is powered on for the first time at the user site, the VQE Startup Configuration Utility automatically runs.
ISO clean installation software includes Cisco VQE, Redhat Linux, Apache web server, and other 
required facilities. The ISO installation software is distributed on one CD for VQE-S, and on one CD for 
VQE Tools. As an alternative, VQE software can be downloaded from When you are burning 
a CD with the ISO software, use ISO format and a CD-R disk.
ISO Full Upgrade 
An ISO full upgrade is used to upgrade VQE software on an existing CDE111/ CDE250 2V0 server and 
preserves the existing VQE configurations. An ISO full upgrade reformats the hard drive and reinstalls 
the operating system and other packages, such as the VQE software. An ISO full upgrade backs up the 
VQE-S, system, and network configurations, which are in the existing files under /etc. For parameters 
that will be under the control of the VQE CMS, it restores the parameter values (from the existing /etc 
configuration files) in the set of newly installed /etc configuration files.
ISO full upgrade software includes Cisco VQE, Redhat Linux, Apache web server, and other required 
facilities. The ISO installation software is distributed on one CD for VQE-S, and on one CD for VQE 
Tools. As an alternative, VQE software can be downloaded from When you are burning a CD 
with the ISO software, use ISO format and a CD-R disk.
VQE Incremental Upgrade 
A VQE incremental upgrade can be used to upgrade a CDE111/ CDE250 2V0 server where the Cisco 
VQE software—either VQE-S or VQE Tools—has previously been installed. A VQE incremental 
upgrade requires a CDE111/ CDE250 2V0 server with an existing operating system. A VQE incremental 
upgrade backs up the VQE-S, system, and network configurations, which are in the existing files under 
/etc. For parameters that will be under the control of the VQE CMS, a VQE incremental upgrade restores 
the parameter values (from the existing /etc configuration files) in the set of newly installed /etc 
configuration files. 
A VQE incremental upgrade is done with an executable installer—a single executable file that includes 
all VQE-S packages needed for the upgraded VQE software version. Each VQE incremental upgrade 
requires that the system already has a previously released complete VQE software package installed, 
including configuration files. Otherwise, the VQE incremental upgrade installer quits and informs you 
to use an ISO installation.