Cisco Model GS7000 4-Port Node 1 GHz with 42 54 Split Installation Guide

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Chapter 3    Configuration 
4022871 Rev C 
Menu Item  Configuration Parameter  Description/Values 
9 Copy 
From Product 
Setting 1 
Setting 2 
Setting 3 
Setting 4 
Setting 4 
Setting 6 
Setting 7 
Setting 8 
Setting 9 
Description:  Read/Write configuration 
parameter.  Store up to nine node configuration 
settings for copying to a LCM in another node. 
Values:  Used, Empty 
9 Copy 
To Product 
Setting 1 
Setting 2 
Setting 3 
Setting 4 
Setting 4 
Setting 6 
Setting 7 
Setting 8 
Setting 9 
Description:  Read/Write configuration 
parameter.  Copy up to nine node configuration 
settings to a LCM in another node. 
Values:  Abort, Restore 
9 Copy 
Restore Default 
Description:  Allows the restoration of the 
default settings, which is for a fully populated 
node with two AC lines, two power supplies, 
four receivers, and four transmitters installed. 
Values:  Abort, Restore 
Configuring the LCM 
The LCM can be configured using two different methods, as follows: 
Using the Auto-Setup button 
Using a handheld programming terminal