Cisco Headend Digital Broadband Delivery System Maintenance Manual

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Chapter 5    Configure the DNCS for EAS and Conduct Tests for SR 5.0 and Later 
4004455 Rev G 
Configure EAS to Properly Function with the 
CableCARD Module 
When setting up the CableCARD Module on the DNCS, the following events can 
Priority value defaults to zero—Because a zero priority value is an EAS test 
setting, some CableCARD hosts may not support the value, resulting in the 
inability to display EAS messages. 
EAS Alert Remaining Time for unique EAS event codes automatically defaults 
to zero seconds
—If this occurs, EAS messages are displayed on CableCARD-
compliant hosts, but the messages do not stop unless an End of Message (EOM) 
message is sent. We recommend that you set this field to 30 (seconds). 
Important: CableCARD modules only receive text (video) EAS messages. If your 
system includes hosts with CableCARD modules, make sure that your EAS 
messages also include text (video). 
Configuring EAS to Properly Function with the CableCARD Module 
To check these values and modify them, if necessary, follow these steps. 
1  On the DNCS Administrative Console, click the DNCS tab. 
2  Click the System Provisioning tab. 
Click EAS Config to view the Set Up EAS Configuration window. 
4  Select the row containing the first unique configuration name that you are using, 
and click Edit to view the Set Up MMM Configuration window.