Cisco Prisma II bdr Dig Rev 2 1 Dual Mux Sys for High Density Installations Installation Guide

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Introducing the Enhanced Digital Reverse Modules 
78-741939-01 Rev C 
Describing the Enhanced Digital Reverse Modules,
2:1 Enhanced Multiplexing Digital Module 
The 2:1 enhanced multiplexing digital module works in conjunction with the laser 
module to digitize and transmit reverse path signals. The 2:1 enhanced multiplexing 
digital module accepts separate signals from the four RF signal ports and a fifth 
signal from the optional status monitor module. It digitizes and multiplexes the 
signals into one 2.5 Gbps bitstream.  
Internally, the signals of the two lower RF input connections are combined to 
provide a single RF signal. Similarly the signals of the two top RF input connections 
are combined and further coupled with the Status Monitoring Input signal to 
provide a second RF signal.  
This is an illustration of the 2:1 enhanced multiplexing digital module showing the 
connection points.