Cisco Headend Digital Broadband Delivery System Installation Guide

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Appendix C 
Perform a DNCS Upgrade in a Disaster Recovery Enabled Network 
4042389 Rev A 
Install Disaster Recovery Triggers, Stored 
Procedures, and Tables 
Important: This procedure must be performed during a maintenance window if the 
DNCS is in production and live. 
Complete the following steps to install the Disaster Recovery triggers, stored 
procedures, and track_mods table onto the DNCS. 
1  On either MC, type cd /export/home/dradmin/dr/dncs
2  FTP the script to the DNCS. 
3  Log in to the DNCS as root user. 
4  Change directory (cd) to the location where you transferred the script in step 2. 
5  Type chmod +x
6  Source DNCS environment variables:  .  /dvs/dncs/bin/dncsSetup 
7  Stop the DNCS, App Server, 3rd-party Application Servers, and 3rd-
party/custom scripts, tools, and utilities. 
8  Execute the showLocks command. 
Note: If there are database connection sessions still running, execute the 
killActiveSessions command. 
9  Run the script:  ./ 
10  On the DNCS, verify that the track_mods and track_mod_chk tables exist as well 
as the triggers. 
Note: Use the spacebar and Enter key to navigate. 
Type dbaccess dncsdb -q  
Scroll over to INFO and select INFO and scroll to the track_mod_chk and 
track_mods tables and verify that the tables exist. 
Scroll over to New and enter select * from track_mod_chk, then select escape 
to exit back out. Scroll over to RUN and press Enter
Verify that the run_flag = N 
Scroll back over to INFO. Select INFO, then select the hct_profile table and 
scroll over to triggers. There should be a track_mods_trig1 and a 
track_mods_trig3 listed. Choose a trigger and select exit to back out. 
Scroll back over to INFO. Select INFO, then select the sm_pkg_auth table 
and scroll over to triggers. There should be a track_mods_trig4 and a 
track_mods_trig5 listed. Choose a trigger and select exit to back out. 
Scroll back over to INFO. Select INFO, then select the sm_auth_profile table 
and scroll over to triggers. There should be a track_mods_trig2 listed. Choose 
a trigger and select exit to back out.