Cisco Headend Digital Broadband Delivery System Installation Guide

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Back Up and Delete the copyControlParams File 
4042389 Rev A 
Back Up and Delete the copyControlParams File 
Complete these steps to back up and delete the copyControlParams.inf file from the 
DNCS. During the upgrade, the system recreates the copyControlParams.inf file 
with appropriate default values. You can add customized entries back to the file 
after the upgrade. 
1  If necessary, open an xterm window on the DNCS. 
2  Type the following command and press Enter. The /export/home/dncs 
directory becomes the working directory. 
cd /export/home/dncs
3  Does the copyControlParams.inf file have any customized entries? 
If yes, type the following command and press Enter. The system makes a 
backup copy of the copyControlParams.inf file. 
cp copyControlParams.inf  copyControlParams.inf.bak
If no, go to step 4. 
4  Type the following command and press Enter. The system deletes the 
copyControlParams.inf file. 
rm copyControlParams.inf
Note:  When you restart the DNCS after the upgrade, the system will note the 
absence of the copyControlParams.inf file and will create a new one. 
Important:  After the upgrade, use the backup copy of the 
copyControlParams.inf file, as a reference, to add any customized entries to the 
new file.