Cisco Headend Digital Broadband Delivery System Installation Guide

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Install the DNCS GUIs and WUIs 
4038415 Rev A 
Install the DNCS GUIs and WUIs 
Complete these steps to install the SR 2.8.2/3.8.2/4.3.2 DNCS GUI and WUI 
Note:  It should take no more than 15 minutes to install the DNCS GUI and WUI 
1  Insert the CD labeled similar to DNCS GUI / WUI  into the CD drive of the 
DNCS. The system automatically mounts the CD to /cdrom within 30 seconds. 
2  Type the following command and press Enter. A list of the mounted filesystems 
df -n
Note:  The presence of /cdrom in the output confirms that the system correctly 
mounted the CD. 
3  Type the following command and press Enter. The /cdrom/cdrom0 directory 
becomes the working directory. 
cd /cdrom/cdrom0
4  Type the following command and press Enter. The system displays DNCS GUI 
and WUI package information and the Are you SURE you want to continue? 
5  Type y and then press Enter. The software installs on the DNCS. 
6  After the upgrade has completed, follow these instructions to eject the CD. 
a  Type cd  / and then press Enter
b  Type eject  cdrom and then press Enter
7  Check the log file for errors. Go to Install Additional Software if the log file 
indicates that the DNCS GUI and WUI software installed without error. 
The installation log file is in the /var/sadm/system/logs directory of the 
The log file for the DNCS GUI is called SAIgui_[version #]_install.log
The log file for the DNCS WUI is called SAIwebui_[version #]_install.log. 
Call Cisco Services for assistance if the log files reveal any errors.