Cisco Cisco Workload Automation 6.3 User Guide

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Cisco Workload Automation Overview
Cisco Workload Automation Components
viewing/configuring scheduling data and output. The Client Manager constantly syncs the information from the Master 
database into its own TESCache database that it then uses to provide all CWA Web Client users with current information. 
Multiple Client Managers connected to the same Master can be deployed to address additional performance needs.
The Client Manager is required if you want to use the CWA Web Client, the Transporter, the Command Line Interface 
(CLI), REST, or mobile applications. The Client Manager is not required if you are only using the Java Client. 
CWA Web Client
The CWA Web Client is the main user interface for managing CWA jobs, scheduling, connections, configuration, and so 
on. The CWA Web Client connects to the Client Manager using a browser.
You can use both the CWA Web Client and the CWA Java Client with the same Master. 
CWA Java Client
The CWA Java Client is a standalone application that provides the same user interface as the CWA Web Client to manage 
CWA jobs, scheduling, connections, configuration, and so on. However, the Java Client connects directly to the CWA 
Master and not through the Client Manager. You can run the Java Client as an application, or you can launch it using a 
The CWA Java Client is typically more responsive than the CWA Web Client because it is connected directly to the 
Master. However, this increases the RAM used by the Master process as the Master is now doing the work instead 
offloading it to the Client Manager.
You can use both the CWA Java Client and the CWA Web Client with the same Master. Note that an environment 
exclusively using the CWA Java Client will not be able to utilize features that require the Client Manager like the 
Transporter, Command Line Interface, and the WebService API.
An agent is a separate installation of 
 that runs jobs on behalf of the Master. Agents help you to automate the 
execution of jobs that you know need to be performed on a regular basis, Offloading jobs to agents frees the Master for 
intensive scheduling tasks such as production compiles. Agents exist for various platforms. The Windows Agent and the 
Unix Agent are the two most commonly used agents.
Each agent can connect to a Master by specifying the Master-to-agent communication port and the Master-to-agent file 
transfer port numbers. 
CWA provides adapters for many software products to enable connectivity to and access by CWA. The Master has an 
Adapter Host it uses to manage the adapters and is the interface that the adapters use to connect to the Master. Adapters 
are provided with the base CWA installation but must be licensed. In some cases, adapters need to be installed or 