Cisco DNCS System Release 2.2 3.2 Release Notes

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MQAM Software Version 2.4.5  
Release Notes and Installation Instructions
Cisco announces the release of software version 2.4.5 for the Multiple Quadrature 
Amplitude Modulation modulator (MQAM). This software release contains an 
enhancement that disables the “ASI Loss of Input Signal” alarm for an ASI input that 
does not have any outstanding sessions. An outstanding session is any session that 
has been created without errors and has not been deleted. With the enhancement 
contained in this software release, the loss of input signal alarm will not be 
generated for an ASI input that is not being used. 
These release notes and installation instructions provide information about 
enhancements and known issues for MQAM software version 2.4.5. These release 
notes and installation instructions also provide procedures for verifying and backing 
up the current MQAM software, installing the version 2.4.5 software, verifying the 
installation, resetting the MQAM, and restoring the previous MQAM software 
version in the unlikely event that MQAM version 2.4.5 does not install properly. 
Site Requirements 
MQAM software version 2.4.5 is intended for sites operating System Release (SR) 2.2, 
SR 2.2 and SR 3.2 Service Pack 1, or SR 2.2 and SR 3.2 Service Pack 2. 
These release notes and installation instructions are written for the following 
System administrators of the Digital Broadband Delivery System (DBDS) 
Operators of the Digital Network Control System (DNCS) 
Cisco’s on-site and field service engineers who assist at sites that support Cisco or 
other resident applications