Cisco DNCS System Release 2.8.1 3.8.1 4.3.1 User Guide

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Topology of RCS Elements That Process System Data
As shown in the following diagram, to communicate with remote sites, the DNCS and SARA Server use a 1.5
Mbps data link to route information to remote sites. From each remote router, information is passed on to a
Remote Network Control Server or RNCS, which stores data received from the DNCS in persistent storage and
cache. Each RNCS then connects to the elements of the remote 
 (DBDS) in
much the same way that the elements of a DBDS connect to a DNCS. In fact, it may help to think of an RNCS as a
remote DNCS with no user interface.
The Digital Broadband Delivery System (DBDS) is a network of hardware and software elements that connects
content servers to DHCTs to deliver MPEG video, audio, digital data, and analog services to subscribers. The
DNCS provides information about each element in a DBDS to other DBDS elements so that they can all
communicate with each other.
You may also hear an RNCS referred to as a LIONN, or Lights Out Network Node because an RNCS has
no operator lights and is a node on the RCS network.
The following example shows how the elements that process system data interconnect to create a
DBDS with an RCS. DBDS elements that process content are not shown here because these elements
 interconnect the same way in a 
 as they do in a DBDS with an RCS.
The Digital Broadband Delivery System (DBDS) is a network of hardware and software elements that
connects content servers to DHCTs to deliver MPEG video, audio, digital data, and analog services to
subscribers. The DNCS provides information about each element in a DBDS to other DBDS elements so
that they can all communicate with each other.
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