Cisco DNCS System Release 2.8.1 3.8.1 4.3.1 User Guide

Page of 1878
Reading VOD Performance Report Files
 in the following files:
The fields in these files are separated by commas, hence the "csv" (comma-separated values) designation.
Separating the fields by commas allows you to view this information in Microsoft Excel, if you prefer.
Each line in these files begins with a date/time stamp, which indicates when the information was gathered. The
first line is a header that describes the content of the columns in the lines that appear below the header.
For example, the drmperfmon.csv file shows reported information in the following format:
04-30-2007 11:01:20,allocate resource request,allocate resource success,release resources requests,release resources
04-30-2007 11:01:50,80,49,10,10
The first line of the preceding example shows that VOD performance monitoring was activated on 4-30-2007 at
11:01:20. The data being reported includes the following:
allocate resource requests
allocate resource success
release resources requests
release resources successes
The second line shows that 30 seconds later, at 11:01:50, there were 80 allocate resource requests, 49 allocate
resource successes, 10 release resources requests, and 10 release resources successes during this reporting
interval. While this data alone may not be a clear indication of trouble, data gathered and compared over time
may help to assist in troubleshooting.
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