Cisco DNCS System Release 2.8.1 3.8.1 4.3.1 User Guide

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Add a SONET-to-ASI Interface
Quick Path: DNCS Administrative Console > DNCS tab > Network Element Provisioning tab > STA >
File > New
After you add a SONET ring to the DNCS, you must add the SONET interfaces to that ring. We use the
SONET-to-ASI (STA) interface to move MPEG data through networks that use a SONET ring topology. This
interface converts ASI data from an MPEG source (usually a BIG or an MDR) and converts it to SONET data.
The interface can also take SONET data and convert it into ASI data. For this reason, the interface is often called
the STA (SONET-to-ASI) interface. For more information on our SONET interface, refer to the ASI-SONET
Interface Model D9462 Installation and Operation Guide (part number 593500).
You Need to Know
Before you begin, you must have your network map. You must also have the following information:
Name of the headend containing the STA interface
Name used to identify the STA interface
MAC address for the STA interface (click 
Number for the subnet mask where the STA interface resides
Name(s) of the headend(s) containing the devices that will be sending data to and receiving data from
the STA interface
Names of the devices that will be sending data to and receiving data from the STA interface
Number identifying the output port on the device that will be sending data to the STA interface
Number identifying the input port on the device that will be receiving data from the STA interface
Note: All of this information should be recorded on your network map. However, if it is not, contact your system
administrator to obtain the information.
Caution: The STA interface has a maximum throughput rate of 128 Mbps. Make sure you have configured the
device that will be sending data to the STA interface in such a way that the MPEG input does not exceed 128
Mbps. Otherwise, there will be random data loss that results in macro-blocking on all programs carried by the
SONET link.
Be sure to allow yourself adequate time to complete this procedure. To add an STA interface to the DNCS, you
must complete the following tasks. For step-by-step instructions for a particular task, click on that task.
 between the STA interface, the device sending data to the interface (input
device), and the device receiving signals from the interface (output device).
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