Cisco DNCS System Release 2.8 3.8 4.3

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Configuring Hidden Channels in 
System Release 3.8/4.3 and Later 
Configuration Guide 
The hidden channel feature has been developed for third-party application 
developers and headend technicians. This feature allows third-party developers to 
use applications that require system information (SI) data on set-tops. For service 
providers, this feature provides the ability to uniquely identify the DNCS that a 
set-top is associated to inside a network.  
Typically, the service provider designates a unique value to each DNCS by 
assigning this value in the channel number field. In turn, the set-top uses this 
value to determine which program information is displayed on the set-top. Once 
the channel is configured as hidden, it is not viewable by the subscriber. 
Site Requirements 
To configure this feature on your DNCS, your system must meet the following 
Operating at System Release (SR) 3.8 or SR 4.3 or later 
 license must be enabled on your network 
This document is written for system operators, application developers, and 
headend technicians. Our engineers may also find this document to be useful.