Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option User Guide

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ICM WebView Help
receive in error 
The number of routing requests from the routing client that produced errors during the 
five-minute interval.
A routing client is an entity that sends routing requests to the ICM software. A routing client 
typically corresponds to a subsystem within an interexchange carrier or to a peripheral (ACD, 
VRU, PBX) that is performing Post-Routing. 
A routing client sends requests to the ICM software for call routing instructions. The routing 
request can include dialed number (DN), calling line ID (CLID), and Caller Entered Digits (CED).
A task is considered redirected if the Agent PG receives an Offer Task message for the task and 
then receives an End Task message for the task without previously receiving a Start Task 
message, and if the disposition field of the End Task message specifies that the task has been 
The number of query requests that were rejected by the host system during the half-hour 
relative date 
A date defined in a report that is relative to the day the report is run, such as "today" or "this 
The final presentation of data, titles, times, date, and graphic elements either printed or 
displayed in a WebView reporting page. Once a report is saved on a screen, it can be saved as a 
report definition.
report component 
A discrete portion of a report. Reports can have one real-time or one historical component. You 
generate a single-component report by launching one template. 
For example, a single-component report might contain one real-time bar graph.
report definition 
Specifies the template(s) that the report uses to retrieve data and specifies any data retrieval 
arguments, such as scope and date, that the report includes.
The number of query requests the CallRouter has sent to the host system during the half-hour 
required agents 
The forecasted value for the number of agents the peripheral skill group needs. This value is 
imported from a third-party workforce management system.
reserve call 
An internal call placed by the dialer to put an agent on hold for the dialer's use.