Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option User Guide

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In the ICM/IPCC configuration tool, open the agent's record. Check the agent state trace option.
Note: Enabling agent state trace for many agents might impact system performance as the option
causes more records to be written to the database. If you notice a performance problem, you
might want to disable agent state trace, or only enable agent state trace for those agents on whom
you are reporting.
Agent Desktop Statistics for LoggedOnTimeSession do not appear to report accurately
For agents who log in at a CTI OS desktop, the LoggedOnTimeSession is sometimes smaller
than the summary of AvailTimeSession and HandledCallsTalkTimeSession in WebView reports.
The Handled Calls and AvailTime summary might differ from the logged on time by as much
as 18 seconds over a half hour period (about 1%).
This is a rounding issue and is to be expected. Although the Handled Calls and AvailTime
summary might differ by about 1% over a half-hour period, the HandledCallsTalkTimeSession
will correlate with a summary of Termination Call Detail data at the end of the day.
Agent-initiated Outbound calls appear as Inbound/Internal
When an agent makes an outbound call, the call appears as an internal outbound call in reports
and statistics. Call counts appear in the 'Internal Out' column in WebView reports, and do not
appear in the 'External Out Task' field as expected.
In the configuration for Call Manager, under Route Pattern Configuration, the check box for
'Allow Overlap Sending' is not selected.
Reporting Guide for Cisco IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions 7.2(1)
Chapter 8Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Report Data
Troubleshooting Agent Reporting