Cisco Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud 4.0 Technical Manual

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Configuring SSL on the Service Catalog server
The Service Catalog server consists of two components that will be configured for SSL: RequestCenter and
ServiceLink. This configuration was done on a two−server JBoss configuration but should work on a
one−server JBoss configuration as well. This configuration will work on a Windows or Linux Service Catalog
server. The steps will show the configuration on a Windows Service Catalog server but can be used on a
Linux Service Catalog server. In the steps below the variable <JBOSS_RC_HOME> refers to the JBoss home
directory for RequestCenter, <JBOSS_SL_HOME> refers to the JBoss home directory for ServiceLink, and
<JAVA_HOME> refers to the Java home directory.
This section contains the following topics:
Configuring SSL on RequestCenter
Configuring SSL on ServiceLink
Configuring SSL on RequestCenter
This section contains the following topics:
Create certificate
Export certificate
Import certificate to the JBoss trust store
Import certificate in the Java trust store
Edit the standalone−full.xml configuration file
Create certificate
The first thing to do is to create a self−signed certificate.
Open a command prompt.
Change directories to <JBOSS_RC_HOME>\RequestCenterServer\configuration.
Create a self−signed certificate by running the command <JAVA_HOME>\jre\bin\keytool −genkey
−alias <requestcenter alias> −keyalg RSA −keypass <keypass password> −storepass <storepass
password> −keystore keystore.jks
For the purposes of the configuration the alias used is RequestCenter and the keypass and storepass
password is the default password changeit.
NOTE: You will be prompted to enter information about this certificate. The first prompt is What is
your first and last name
 (also called the CN). This must be the host name of the machine or
localhost. The rest of the information can be whatever you want to put in.
Export certificate
The next thing to do is to export the certificate to a file.
Open a command prompt.
Change directories to <JBOSS_RC_HOME>\RequestCenterServer\configuration.
Export the certificate to a file by running the command <JAVA_HOME>\jre\bin\keytool −export
−alias <requestcenter alias> −storepass <storepass password> −file <requestcenter certificate file
name> −keystore keystore.jks
For the purposes of the configuration the file name used is RequestCenter.cer.