Cisco Cisco Smart Business Portal White Paper

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©2006 Peppers & Rogers Group. All rights reserved. Peppers & Rogers Group is a division of Carlson Marketing.
Introduction: SMBs Emerge
Innovative small-to-medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are setting their sights on a clear
objective: To increase profitability by focusing their entire business on customers. While
SMBs have long been known for friendly customer service and support, SMB leaders are
taking their customer focus to a new level by capitalizing on the convergence of Internet
Protocol (IP) telephony and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) technologies. This
integration of voice and data is enabling SMBs to build 360-degree customer views and
deliver the right customer information to the right employee, all at the right time. The
result: a superior customer experience that drives up profits.
Not long ago, goals such as building 360-degree customer views or managing the entire
customer experience were better left to large enterprises with lofty budgets. Today,
however, many of these barriers to entry are
crumbling, and the convergence of voice and
data is the key. SMBs are integrating IP telepho-
ny and CRM solutions to become customer-
centric organizations capable of delivering a
seamless customer experience that locks in 
customer loyalty and keeps competitors at bay.
This white paper explores this rapidly growing
trend. Drawing on the insight of Peppers &
Rogers Group, it explains why customers and
the experiences they receive from a business
hold the keys to profitability. It discusses old
and new challenges to becoming a customer-
centric company and how one leading firm is
using converged voice and data to overcome
these challenges to drive a hard, quantifiable
Return on Investment (ROI). The paper concludes with a prescriptive roadmap on how 
companies—and SMBs in particular—can use converged IP telephony and CRM to build a
more profitable, customer-centric business.
The Customer-Centric SMB 
Increasing Profitability 
by Focusing on Customers
The Customer-Centric
The Challenges 
Facing SMBs............................4
Unified Voice and Data:
Enabling the Customer-
Centric SMB ............................5
Case Study:
GreenStone FCS Turns
Customer Experiences
into ROI.....................................6
The Customer-Centric
Company Roadmap.............7
Turning Point..........................8
In Brief
When employees have access to 360-
degree customer views, the entire company 
can work together to deliver a superior 
customer experience and  higher profits.
This white paper:
Explains why customers, not products,
hold the keys to profitability.
Documents how converged IP-telephony 
and CRM solutions enable SMBs to 
deliver a superior customer experience 
and higher profits.
Outlines best practices for overcoming 
information, integration, cost and 
adoption hurdles.
Details how one SMB is refining the 
customer experience to capture a 
100% ROI in 8 months.