Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal Downloads Developer's Guide

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single instance. Note that an instance variable in the logger class will allow it to maintain 
information that spans calls. 
A logger is expected to “register” the events it wishes to act on. This is done on logger 
initialization. When Unified CVP VoiceXML Server loads, it initializes all the loggers 
referenced for an application the records which events each will act on. When a situation occurs 
that would constitute an event, the VoiceXML Server checks to see if any loggers will act on the 
event and if so, will create the event object and pass it to the loggers. This registration 
mechanism allows the VoiceXML Server to save the overhead in creating an event if no loggers 
will act on it. Additionally, should there be multiple loggers acting on an event, only one event 
object is created and passed to all of them. 
In order to ensure that no call be held up due to logging activities, the entire Unified CVP 
VoiceXML Server logging mechanism is fully multi-threaded. The only logging-related activity 
that an HTTP request thread provided by the application server performs is creating an event 
object and adding it to a queue. It does not actually handle the logging of that event and once it 
has added the event to the queue, it continues with the call. A separate, constantly running 
asynchronous process, called the Logger Manager, will process the events in the queue. This 
allows the logging process to act independently from the process of handling a call and so will 
not directly affect the performance of the system. 
In order to ensure that no logger be held up due to the activities of another logger (or the same 
logger) while handling an event, a second layer of threads are used. While the Logger Manager 
handles the queue, when it is time for a logger to be given the event to handle, this is itself done 
in a separate thread. The Logger Manager therefore is responsible only for managing the queue 
of events and spawning threads for loggers to handle them. This ensures that a logger that takes a 
long time to handle an event does not hold up the logging for the same or other applications, it 
only hold up the thread in which it is running. To avoid creating too many threads when under 
load, the maximum number of allowable threads can be configured in the global configuration 
file named 
 found in the 
 directory of the VoiceXML Server by editing 
the contents of the 
 tag. When all the allowable threads are taken, the 
VoiceXML Server will not process the queue until a thread becomes available. Note that one of 
the consequences here is that the longer the events remain in the queue, the less “real-time” the 
logging will occur. Additionally, if the maximum thread count is made too low to handle a given 
call volume, the queue can become very large and could eventually cause issues with memory 
and spiking CPU. Typically, though, a logger handles an event in a very short period of time, 
allowing a small number of threads to handle the events created by many times that number of 
simultaneous callers. 
There are times when the true asynchronous nature of the logging design works against the 
developer. The tasks done by a logger can take a variable amount of time to complete so there is 
no guarantee when a call event will be handled. This is by design, and for a logger that simply 
records events that are then sorted by timestamp later, this is not a problem. A logger that 
requires more context, though, could encounter issues. For example, if a logger needed to note 
when a call was received so that an event that occurred later on in the call could be handled 
correctly, problems could be encountered because there would be no guarantee that the events