abbyy-software formreader User Guide

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Requirements for geometric field parameters  
Raster dot size 
If the field borders are raster dots, the thickness of the raster line (i.e. the raster size) must be 0.4 pt. The optimal 
distance between the raster dots is five times their size. However, if you have an editor that does not allow you to 
specify the distance between each raster dot, you must choose a line style which has dots located at sufficient 
distance from each other to prevent them from becoming glued together on the scanned image, and from remaining 
on the image after image despeckling, as big dots are not interpreted by the OCR system as garbage and are not 
cleaned from the image during despeckling.  
Note. The dots most liable to be glued together are character space corner dots. 
Character space size 
The recommended size of character space is 4 х 5 mm; the use of smaller sizes requires a greater degree of accuracy 
from those completing the form, and this is very difficult to achieve. Large character spaces are also not advisable as 
this encourages the use of abnormally large letters. Ideally the character space size should reflect the average letter 
The distance between field lines should be no less than 2.5 – 3 mm, and the distance between two adjacent character 
spaces in the same line no less than 1-1.2 mm. 
These requirements apply to all form types. 
Line thickness 
If the borders are black lines (“underlined text”, “text in a frame”, “letters in separate frames” or “letters in frames”), 
the line thickness should be 1 pt.  
If the borders are comb-notches or frames with comb-notches, the thickness of both the notches and frame should 
also be 1 pt. The recommended distance between the notches in a single form field is 5 mm. In the case of a simple 
comb-notch, the distance between two lines with notches should be no less than 7.5 – 8 mm, with notch height 
around 0.9 – 1.2 mm. If a frame with comb-notches is used, the minimum distance between field lines should be 2.5 
- 3 mm. 
Print quality requirements 
When you print blank forms, keep in mind the following requirements: 
1.  The forms must be printed either professionally or using a printer. We recommend that color forms be printed 
professionally. If this is impossible, test the form color on a scanner before starting your print run. 
2.  All the copies of the form must be printed using the same source document, as the field location on each form 
must be identical. 
3.  The minimum margin size (i.e. the distance between the edge of the page and the nearest form element) should 
be at least 8 mm  (12 mm margins are recommended). 
4.  The permitted linear deviation of form elements must be no more than 0.15% ( i.e. 0.5 mm for an А4-size  