Access virus kc User Manual

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Concept and Operation
(mostly zero). This pertains to unipolar parame-
ters (value range of 0 to 127) as well as bipolar
parameters (value range of -64 to +63).
You can also use the VALUE knob to change
the value of the selected parameter. The VALUE
knob responds to the KNOB MODE settings as
described in the paragraph below.
The triangular icon located next to the parame-
ter value indicates in which direction you have
to change a value if you would like to reset the
parameter to the value that has been stored to
date. The previously stored parameter value as
well as the current value are displayed for pa-
rameters that feature a dedicated knob.
For all knobs with the exception of MASTER
VOLUME, you can select from four operating
modes in the SYSTEM menu. These are located
under the menu item KNOB MODE:
-  OFF  The knobs are inactive.
-  JUMP  In Jump Mode, the parameter jumps
directly and absolutely to the value deter-
mined by the current position of the knob.
-  SNAP  When you adjust a knob In Snap
Mode, the original setting determines the val-
ue until the point where the movement of the
knob passes beyond this position. In other
words, the parameter does not jump to the
value as in JUMP Mode. However, keep in
mind that your adjustments have no effect on
the parameter until the knob “snaps”  on at
the position equivalent to the original value. In
SNAP mode, an ®-symbol appears to the
right of the number. It indicates in which di-
rection the VALUE knob must be turned to
exceed the current parameter value. 
-  ISNAP  The modal controls (for instance
those whose functions apply to one oscillator
or LFO at a time) will be in SNAP mode,
whereas all the others will be in JUMP mode.
The iSNAP mode is there to prevent sudden
changes in value after switching over to a dif-
ferent oscillator or LFO etc.
-  RELATIVE  When you adjust a knob in RELA-
TIVE Mode, the parameter is affected imme-
diately but not absolutely.  In other words, the
value change from the original value to the
value reflects precisely the amount you ad-
justed via a given control. Generally this oper-
ating mode allows you to adjust a parameter
immediately, without radical jumps. However,
the down side is that in an unfavorable con-
figuration - the worst-case scenario being a
maximum parameter value and a knob posi-
tion at the minimum value - you do not have
the full control range of the knob at your dis-
posal. To counteract this situation, you have
to turn the knob in the opposite direction to
adjust the physical knob position so that it is
equivalent to the actual parameter value. In
RELATIVE Mode, the triangle to the right of
the number indicates if the VALUE knob coin-
cides with the parameter value (≤) or not (Ω).
-  IRELATVIE  The modal controls (for instance
those whose functions apply to one oscillator
or LFO at a time) will be in RELATIVE mode,
whereas all the others will be in JUMP mode.
 KnobMode   Jump≤   
When a menu is active, different display options
are available for parameters with a dedicated
knob. These can be selected under the menu
item KNOB DISPLAY in the SYSTEM menu: