Adobe illustrator 10 User Manual

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Adobe Illustrator Help
Using Type 
Click to select an edge or corner of the text rectangle, and drag to adjust the rectangle’s 
shape. Shift-drag to constrain the tool to multiples of 45 degrees (constraining makes it 
easier to retain the shape of a rectangle).
Adjusting the text rectangle using the direct-selection tool is easiest when you’re in 
Outline view.
Entering horizontal or vertical type in an object
You can use any object as an area within which to enter type. If the object is an open path, 
the program draws an imaginary line between the endpoints of the path to define the 
object for the type, just as it does to paint open paths. 
To create only area type or to create area type on an open path, you can use the type or 
vertical area-type tools exclusively. If, however, you want to create several kinds of type, 
you should use the type tool or the vertical type tool. When you move a type tool over 
different kinds of objects, the type tool appropriate to the specific object (for example, 
an area-type tool or a path-type tool) appears.
To enter type in an object:
Select the type tool   or the area-type tool   if the object is a filled open path.
Position the pointer on the path, and click. An insertion point appears.
When you turn an object into a type path, the path becomes unstroked and unfilled, even 
if the path was originally stroked or filled. When the entire text object is selected, any 
changes to the paint settings affect only the type, not the path.
Enter some type.
As with text rectangles, if you enter more type than can fit within the area, in Outline view 
and in Preview view (only when text is selected), a small box with a plus symbol   appears 
near the bottom of the area. 
You can paint the path after you enter type by selecting the path with the direct-selection 
tool and using the Color palette or Swatches palette. 
Entering horizontal or vertical type along a path
You can enter type that flows along the edge of an open or a closed path. The path can be 
regularly or irregularly shaped. When you enter type along a path, the path is no longer 
stroked or filled. You can paint it later if you want, without affecting the paint attributes of 
the type.
Entering horizontal type on a path results in letters that are perpendicular to the baseline. 
Entering vertical type on a path results in text orientation parallel to the baseline.
To toggle between the type tool and the vertical type tool when another type tool is 
currently selected, Shift-click.
To enter horizontal type along a path:
Select the type tool   or the path-type tool  . 
Position the pointer on the path, and click. An insertion point appears on the path. 
Enter the type you want. Type appears along the path, perpendicular to the baseline.