Adobe premier pro 7 User Manual

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Using Help 

Adobe Premiere Pro Help 
Using Help 
Using Help 
Using Help 
About Help 
Adobe Systems Incorporated provides complete documentation in an Adobe PDF-based 
help system. This help system includes information on all tools, commands, and features 
of an application. It is designed for easy on-screen navigation and can also be printed and 
used as a desktop reference. Additionally, it supports third-party screen-reader 
applications that run in a Windows environment. 
Navigating in Help 
Help opens in an Adobe Acrobat window with the Bookmarks pane open. (If the 
Bookmarks pane is not open, click the Bookmarks tab at the left edge of the window.) 
At the top and bottom of each page is a navigation bar containing links to this page (Using 
Help), the table of contents (Contents), and the index (Index). 
To move through pages sequentially, you can click the Next Page and the Previous 
Page arrows; click the navigation arrows at the bottom of the page; or click Back to 
return to the last page you viewed. 
You can navigate Help topics by using bookmarks, the table of contents, the index, or the 
Search (Acrobat 6) or Find (Acrobat 5) command. 
To find a topic using bookmarks: 
n the Bookmarks pane, click the plus sign (+) (Windows) or the right-facing arrow 
(Mac OS) next to a bookmark topic to view its subtopics. 
lick the b 
ookmark to go to that topic. 
To find a topic using the table of contents: 
lick Contents in the navigation bar. 
2On the Contents page, click a topic to go to that topic. 
3To view a list of subtopics, click the plus sign (+) (Windows) or the right-facing arrow 
(Mac OS) next to the topic name in the Bookmarks pane. 
To find a topic using the index: 
o one of the following: 
Click Index in the navigation bar, and then click a letter at the top of the page. 
n the Bookmarks pane, expand the Index bookmark to view the letter subtopics; 
then click a letter. 
2Locate the entry you want to view, and click the page number to go to that topic. 
3To view other entries for the same topic, click Back to return to the same place in the 
index, and then click another page number. 
Using Help 