ASUS mypal a600 User Manual

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Avolites Pearl 2000 Operators Manual - page
   P2000MAN.DOC  19/10/99 17:59
The text field will be displayed when patching the devices.
This text field can hold any text you like, but generally it displays the Attribute
Bank layout of the device being patched.
As the Sapphire and the Pearl desks use the same personalities you have to
take account the screen size differences.
The numbers above represent the maximum number of characters
displayable on the Pearl and Sapphire screen. To avoid writing two sets of
personalities the Pearl has a special way of looking at the text field, it throws
away all characters after the 21st on each line.
Writing the bank layout as follows allows the same personality to be used for
both desks.
26.10 The PRESET FOCUS table
The whole table system has been redefined and improved.
The new tables can be either default Preset Focuses or can be used as
absolute values for use in making up memories.
Default preset focuses are automatically loaded onto the focus buttons when
an instrument is patched.
Two key lines are required for tables, the definition line and the data line.
The definition line looks like:-
PFTABLE  “table name”  A B..
Where A is allows the table to be connected to a tablet attribute button.
With the instrument when the pen is clicked on the tablet the table list appears on
the LCD (or VGA) screen, moving the pen up or down allows selection of a table
The range for this is -1 meaning table is not attached to a tablet button or
1..30 to define which button the table will be attached to.
Where B is the list of dmx channels values which will be defined within the
      1                                  21   
           Pearl and Sapphire screen layouts