Archos digital mini cam User Manual

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  Pressing the Start/Stop button on the controller will also start and stop a recording while the buttons of your 
AV 500 are locked. You can thus conveniently make a recording while carrying your AV 500 in a backpack for 
Making a recording using the VideoCorder application of your AV 500
  On the Main menu, select the VideoCorder icon and press Play/Enter/On 
o to open the VideoCorder 
application. Your AV 500 now powers the camera. On the screen, you see the image the camera is currently 
seeing. This preview screen thus permits you to adjust for example the position or direction of the camera before 
you start your recording.
  A number of settings, for example resolution and bitrate, can be adjusted. Normally you need not change these 
settings. The action icon Settings lets you access these recording parameters and you can return to the pre-
recording screen by pressing the AV 500’s Stop/Escape/Off 
x button. 
  Time Stamp 
ON or OFF. If set to ON, the image will contain information on the date and time of 
  For information on the other settings, please refer to the section on making a video recording in the complete 
 PDF user manual of the AV 500. Please note that the parameter Format does not exist as the setting is 
pre-determined by the camera. For the same reason, the parameter Source can only be set to Composite or 
Black & White.
  To start the recording, press the AV 500’s Play/Enter/On 
o button again. You can also select the action icon Start 
. On the screen of your AV 500, you can see the images recorded by the camera. In order to stop and 
save your recording, press Stop/Escape/Off 
x. Using the Play button, you can also pause your recording.
  Alternatively, you can press the Start/Stop button on your camera controller to start and stop the recording.
Checking the status of the ARCHOS
 In order to fi nd out whether the ARCHOS
 DIGITAL MINI-CAM is idle or recording, press the Status Button. The 
lights will indicate the status of the AV 500 as shown below:
 Red and green 
 AV 500 is presently making a recording. 
 DIGITAL MINI-CAM is connected correctly to the AV 500 and a recording can 
be started.
  No light 
 DIGITAL MINI-CAM is not connected properly to the AV 500 or the AV 500 is 
switched off. 
Where is the recording saved?
  The default location for video recordings is the folder called Video.  If you click on the Video icon in the main 
menu, you will go to this folder.  Notice that one of the action icons on the Video Browser screen is labeled 
VideoCorder.  Each time you use this action icon to record a video instead of going through the VideoCorder 
icon on the main menu, you set the recording default location to the current folder.  For example, let’s say you 
have a folder called /Video/Holiday.  If you go to this folder and then make a recording using the action icon 
VideoCorder, you will set the default record location to this folder.  Now, each time you use the VideoCorder 
icon or Start/Stop button on the camera controller to start a recording, your recording will be saved in the folder 
    When pressing the ESC/STOP button from the pre-recording screen/VideoCorder application, you will be taken 
to the current default recording folder so you can directly view your recording.
Notes on the ARCHOS
  - Do not be concerned if the controller’s lights are not lit while your ARCHOS
 DIGITAL MINI-CAM is in use. 
This is normal.
  - The loudspeaker of your AV 500 will be disabled during the recording as this could result in audio feedback 
(unpleasant noises). The microphone integrated into the camera controller will record the sound. Therefore 
make sure that it is not covered in order to obtain the best possible sound for your recording.
  - If images look distorted, you might be too close to the object you are fi lming. This effect is also referred to as “fi sh 
eye effect”. The range for obtaining undistorted images is between 1.5 and 10 meters. Beyond 10 meters, details 
cannot be recorded. If you are experiencing problems with the image quality, you might also want to try increasing 
the resolution or sampling rate.
  - While the camera is connected to your AV 500, the VideoCorder icon in the main menu will by replaced by  the 
CamCorder icon and the Scheduler icon disappears.