Yamaha qs300 User Manual

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About Phrases, Sections, Patterns and Styles
Before delving deeper into the Pattern mode, let’s take a
look at how Patterns and other aspects of the accompani-
ment fit into the general scheme of the QS300.
At the top of the accompaniment hierarchy are musical
“Styles.”  When you select one of the Preset Styles, you are
actually selecting a Style (for example: Ska, Slow Blues or
Country Ballad).
Each Style features one or more measures of complete
instrumental backing or accompaniment suited to the
corresponding Style.  (Most Preset Patterns are two or four
measures, although some Patterns are up to eight measures
long.)  For example, Preset Style #51 (Slow Blues) features
drums, bass, two guitars and organ.
These instrument parts are divided into separate tracks —
and each Style has up to eight different tracks, each with a
different instrument.  Our Slow Blues Pattern, for example,
features seven instrument tracks: three tracks of drums
(kick, hi hat, and snare), bass, high rhythm guitar, low
muted guitar riff, and organ.
Preset 1
Preset: 1 - 100
User 1
User: 1 - 100
* Each Style represents a different musical section (Pattern).
Each of these instrument parts is called a “Phrase.”  The
QS300 contains 3,093 different Phrases, and has memory
space for 100 original User Phrases.  (For more details on
Phrases, see page 125.)
The individual Patterns do not stop there, however.  Just as
a piece of music is made up of different sections, so are the
Patterns of the QS300.  Each Style actually contains several
“Section” Patterns — an introduction, two main themes,
fill-ins, and an ending.  Naturally, each of these sections is
made up of up to eight tracks of instruments.  These
Sections are typically “strung” together to create a song or
musical passage, like this:
Track 7
Track 6
Track 4
Track 3
Track 2
Kick drum
(Preset Style 051 Slow Blues)
Track 1
Hi Guitar
Track 5
Lo Guitar
Track 8
The rest of this section on the Pattern mode covers select-
ing and playing Styles, changing chords, changing the
playback parameters, and so on.  The Pattern mode is very
similar to the Song mode and has many of the same func-
tions and operations.  For example, Playback Effects and
some of the Multi controls are the same.  The main differ-
ence is that whereas the Song mode has sixteen tracks, the
Pattern mode has eight.
NOTE: The Pattern mode is not available when the System
Mode parameter (in Utility mode) is set to TG-B.  (See page
Main A
Main A
Fill AB
Main B