Yamaha qs300 User Manual

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03:  Split Pattern
This operation splits a specified section of a specified style
into two parts at the specified measure, and moves the latter
half to the specified section of a specified style.
Source Style
Range: 001 — 100
This determines the style which is to be split.
Source Section
Settings: Intro, Main A, Main B, Fill AA, Fill BB, Fill AB,
Fill BA, Ending
This determines the section of the style which is to be split.
Starting Measure
Range: 1 — 8 (depending on length of source style)
This determines the starting measure for the split.  The
selected measure and all that follow will be split.  If a value
of 1 is selected, the entire section will be moved to the
specified destination.
Destination Style
Range: 001 — 100
This determines the style number to which the source data
(selected above) is to be moved.
Source Pattern
• Style
• Section
Starting Measure (for split).
Destination Section
Settings: Intro, Main A, Main B, Ending
This determines the style section to which the source data
(selected above) is to be moved.
E to execute the Split Pattern Job.  A “Com-
pleted” message appears briefly when the Job is done.
• If more than 1 measure is split and a Fill is specified as the
destination section, an “Illegal Input” error will occur since
fills can only be one measure long.
• This Job does not copy Voice or play effect data from the
source pattern.
Destination Pattern
• Style
• Section
Pattern Jobs