Motorola dvd User Manual

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M a n a g i n g   M u l t i p l e   R e c o r d e r s   a n d   R e m o t e s
Managing Multiple Recorders and Remotes
If you have more than one Recorder in your home, or if you have another model of TiVo 
DVR in addition to your Pioneer DVD Recorder with TiVo, you can match a particular 
Recorder with a particular remote so that each Recorder will only respond to its own 
remote. You can do this by setting the Remote Address.
1. If both Recorders are in the same room, start 
by covering the IR sensor window on one 
Recorder using a cloth or thick piece of paper. 
This will prevent setting the Remote Address 
on both Recorders simultaneously.
2. Go to the System Information screen. First, press the TiVo button, then highlight and 
select Messages & Setup, then System Information. On the System Information 
screen, scroll down until you see Remote Address.
3. Hold down the PAUSE and TiVo buttons simultaneously for about five seconds (until 
the red light at the end of the remote control lights up and stays on when you release 
the buttons).
4. Use the number keys to enter any digit from 1 to 9. Press the number you have chosen 
several times until you see the Remote Address change on the screen.
5. Press the TiVo button to go to TiVo Central.
6. Repeat these steps using your second Recorder and remote control. Be sure to choose a 
different number (in Step 4) for the remote address of the second Recorder.
Once you complete this process, each remote will control only the Recorder to which it is 
The default Remote Address is “0” 
(zero). A remote control set to 
Remote Address “0” will control any 
Recorder, and a Recorder with a Remote 
Address of “0” will respond to any 
remote, including some Pioneer A/V 
Receiver remote controls. When you 
program the remote with a new Remote 
Address, it will control any Recorder with 
that Remote Address, or with an address 
of “0”. To ensure that your Recorder only 
responds to the Recorder’s remote, set 
the Remote Address to any value other 
than “0” (zero).
Remote Address
The IR sensor is located in this area.