Garmin g1000 m20m User Manual

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Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Mooney M20M & M20R
Miscellaneous Message Advisories (Cont.)
Alerts Window Message
ARSPC NEAR – Airspace near – less 
than 2 nm.
Special use airspace is within 2 nm of the aircraft position.
LEG UNSMOOTH – Flight plan leg will 
not be smooth.
The approaching flight plan waypoints are too close to allow for smooth turns.  
Prepare for steep turns ahead and expect noticeable course deviations.
APPR INACTV – Approach is not 
The system notifies the pilot that the loaded approach is not active.  Activate ap-
proach when required.
SLCT AUTOSEQ – Select auto 
sequence mode.
The system notifies the pilot to select auto-sequence mode.  Press the OBS softkey to 
deactivate the OBS mode.  
SLCT FREQ – Select appropriate 
frequency for approach.
The system notifies the pilot to load the approach frequency for the appropriate NAV 
receiver.  Select the correct frequency for the approach.
SLCT NAV – Select NAV on CDI for 
The system notifies the pilot to set the CDI to the correct NAV receiver.  Set the CDI 
to the correct NAV receiver.
NO WGS84 WPT – Non WGS 84 
waypoint for navigation -[xxxx]
The selected waypoint [xxxx] does not use the WGS 84 datum.  Cross-check position 
with alternate navigation sources.
TRAFFIC FAIL – Traffic device has 
The traffic information system TIS has failed.  The G1000 system should be serviced.
STRMSCP FAIL – Stormscope has 
Stormscope has failed.  The G1000 system should be serviced.
 – Stormscope using 
backup path.
Stormscope is using the backup communication path.  The G1000 system should be 
serviced when possible.