rosen-entertainment-syste ds-ty0820 User Manual

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Installation Guide Toyota Corolla
Rosen Entertainment Systems 
Copyright 2007 all rights reserved 
 Installation Guide 
DP-TY0824  Rev A 
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 2 - Inspect the vehicle and plan your work    
Test the battery voltage to make sure it’s fully charged and inspect battery terminals for tightness and any corrosion. This 
only takes seconds and can save hours of troubleshooting later.  
3 – Turn the Vehicle OFF or Disconnect the Battery 
Be sure to turn the vehicle OFF before starting, and keep the vehicle OFF until the installation is fully completed BEFORE 
the vehicle is turned on.   
Note: Failure to follow these instructions may cause the AIRBAG FAULT SENSOR to become enabled.  Fault 
Sensors which have been enabled will require the Dealer Service Department to reset them.  Dealerships often  
charge a significant fee to reset the Fault Sensor. 
4 – Remove the Interior Trim Components 
You will need to remove the interior trim components prior to removing the factory radio.  The following steps will help 
guide you through this process. 
Note: When removing the Interior Trim Components, use caution to prevent damage to the components.  If you are 
unsure about the removal process, consult the OEM Service Manual for additional instructions.   
Note: Once the Interior Trim Components have been removed, be sure to inspect the clips for any damage.  
Damaged part must be replaced before re-installation. 
Step 1: Remove the Upper Trim 
Step 2: Remove the Lower Trim 
Step 3: Remove the Vent Trim 
Step 4: Unplug the Electrical 
New Vehicles RARELY have a fully charged battery.  This can cause many system malfunctions. 
Keep the Vehicle OFF while the Radio is disconnected to avoid a potential Airbag Sensor Fault
Use Caution. See the OEM Service Manual for additional information on the removal process