games-microsoft-xbox baldur s gate-dark alliance User Manual

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: DARK AlliAnce
BlAcK Isle STUDios
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Eldrith gathered all of the Bladed Crescent who remained, all who had
sworn to serve her, and she ordered her broken company to attack the
walls of her city... she swore she would take it from the Dukes and put
them to the sword. It would be justice, she said.
Eldrith’s attack was like the charge of a maddened animal. It was
The Bladed Crescent were slain almost to the man, and they were
driven from the city, hounded by the remaining troops of Baldur’s Gate.
They pursued Eldrith for leagues, all the way to the Marsh of
Chelimber. As the last of her soldiers floundered and died within the
marsh, the soldiers closed upon her. She was no longer recognizable —
blood caked her armor, her helmet, barely able to put one foot in front
of the other — she was dying, but even in death, she still struggled
onwards, fueled by her vengeance. 
Fearing her skills with the sword, the soldiers band did not approach
within arm's reach of her — instead, they felled her from a distance
with crossbow bolts. It was a cowardly execution, one without honor. 
As Eldrith fell, she cursed Baldur's Gate and all within it.  And with her
death, the Dark Alliance was born. 
: DARK AlliAnce
BlAcK Isle STUDios
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Have you not heard of Eldrith the Betrayer, the Traitress of Swords,
Eldrith of the Westering Sun? That she has been forgotten is an...
irony of a sort.
Eldrith was one of the greatest generals of the Sword Coast,
commander of the Company of the Bladed Crescent, sworn sword
and defender of Baldur’s Gate. She served with honor and distinction
in the first and last seasons of the Sundering War, the Stillwater Port
siege, and finally, the campaign against the Black Horde. In all these
battles, she was victorious.
I do not know when pride burrowed into her heart, but it poisoned her.
Eldrith had fought too many battles, achieved too many victories, and
she had come to see the city of Baldur’s Gate as her own.
On the day of the Great Betrayal, Eldrith's company took the field
against the Black Horde and scattered them, even though the orcs and
goblins outnumbered her troops five to one. Still, in the rout, almost
half their forces survived and fled the field. Eldrith was determined to
pursue them. The Dukes of Baldur’s Gate refused. Too many good
soldiers had been lost, the Dukes told her. They — and the people —
wanted no more of blood and death, and they felt the Horde would
not return.
Eldrith was furious. Even though she had lost many men, she felt it
was better to deal a deathblow to the Horde and insure they never
threatened Baldur’s Gate again. And so she defied the Dukes, and led
her soldiers to their deaths.  
Far from Baldur's Gate, she cornered the Horde in a narrow defile, but
once their retreat was denied to them, they proved more vicious than
we had anticipated. Eldrith, fearing of losing the field, sent a
messenger back to Baldur’s Gate for reinforcements before the Horde
broke free of her trap. The reinforcements never came, and the Horde
overran Eldrith's weakened troops. Eldrith survived... but many of the
Company of the Bladed Crescent did not.
Eldrith became a creature consumed by fury. Wounded, she returned
to Baldur’s Gate to demand an audience with the Dukes. Instead, she
was met at the gates and told that for her disobedience upon the
battlefield, the walls of Baldur’s Gate would be forever closed to her
and the Bladed Crescent.