Korg kp2 User Manual

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when audio is input. Recording will stop
when you press the Rec/Stop key once
The playback method will differ depending
on the effect program that you have se-
For a program from the “SAMPLE/
PLAY” group
(1) Select a program from the “SAMPLE/
PLAY” group (90–99).
(2) Press the Sample 1, 2 key that you want
to play. The playback will not yet be output
at this time.
(3) When you touch the touch pad, the
sound will play back according to the posi-
tion that you touch.
The way in which the phrase plays will de-
pend on the program. (☞separate sheet: Ef-
fect program list)
(4) Use the FX Depth knob to adjust the
playback volume.
When the FX Depth knob is positioned in
the center, the playback sound and the in-
put sound will be output in a 1:1 propor-
tion. When the knob is at the maximum po-
sition, only the sample sound will be output
during playback, and you will not hear the
input sound.
For a program from other than the
(1) Select a program from other than the
“SAMPLE/PLAY” group.
(2) Press a Sample 1, 2 key, and the recorded
phrase will play at normal speed. If you
continue pressing the key, the phrase will
play back as a loop.
To adjust the volume, continue pressing the
Sample 1, 2 key and use the FX Depth knob
to make adjustments.
You can apply effects to the playback by op-
erating the touch pad while the sound plays
If you press the Hold key while pressing the
Sample 1, 2 key, the playback will be held. Hold
will be cancelled when you press the Sample 1, 2
key once again.
MIDI functions
What is MIDI?
MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital
Interface, and is a world-wide standard for ex-
changing a variety of performance-related infor-
mation between electronic musical instruments
and computers.
MIDI connections
Commercially available MIDI cables are used
to transmit and receive MIDI messages. Con-
nect these cables between the MIDI connec-
tors of the KP2 and the MIDI connectors of
the external MIDI device with which you
want to transfer data.
MIDI IN connector:
  This connector re-
ceives MIDI messages from another MIDI
device. Connect it to the MIDI OUT connec-
tor of the external device.
MIDI OUT connector:
  This connector
transmits messages from the KP2. Connect
it to the MIDI IN connector of the external
Using MIDI
In addition to using the KP2 as an effect pro-
cessor, you can transmit MIDI messages
from the KP2 to use it as a realtime control-
ler for a synthesizer or other external MIDI
You can also connect the KP2 to a MIDI se-
quencer, and record the MIDI messages that
are transmitted when you operate the touch
pad. By playing back the recorded MIDI
messages you can reproduce your touch
pad operations.
About MIDI channels
In order to independently transmit informa-
tion to multiple MIDI devices over a single
MIDI cable, MIDI uses sixteen channels (1–
16). If the transmitting device is set to MIDI
channel “1,” the MIDI messages will not be
received unless the receiving device is also
set to MIDI channel “1.”