Casio fxcp400 fxcp400 User Manual

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Chapter 1: Basics
Turning Power On or Off
While the ClassPad is turned off, press c to turn it on.
To turn off the ClassPad, press f and then c.
Auto Power Off
The ClassPad also has an Auto Power Off feature. This feature automatically turns the ClassPad off when it is 
idle for a specified amount of time. For details, see “To configure power properties” on page 246.
Any temporary information in ClassPad RAM (graphs drawn on an application’s graph window, a dialog box 
displayed, etc.) is retained for approximately 30 seconds whenever power is turned off manually or by Auto 
Power Off. This means you will be able to restore the temporary information in RAM if you turn ClassPad back 
on within about 30 seconds after it is turned off. After about 30 seconds, the temporary information in RAM is 
cleared automatically, so turning ClassPad back on will display the startup screen of the application you were 
using when you last turned it off, and the previous information in RAM will no longer be available.
Power Supply
Your ClassPad is powered by four AAA-size batteries LR03 (AM4), or four nickel-metal hydride batteries.
The battery level indicator is displayed in the status bar.
• Be sure to replace batteries as soon as possible whenever the battery level indicator shows 
• Replace batteries immediately whenever the battery level indicator shows 
 (dead). At this level, you will 
not be able to perform data communication or other functions.
• For information about initial setup operations required after replacing batteries, see “Replacing Batteries and 
Setting Up the ClassPad” in the separate Quick Start Guide.
• When battery power is very low, your ClassPad may not turn back on when you press its c key. If this 
happens, immediately replace its batteries.
• The following message indicates that batteries are about to go dead. Replace batteries immediately whenever 
this message appears. 
If you try to continue using the ClassPad, it will automatically turn off. You will not be able to turn power back 
on until you replace batteries.
• Be sure to replace batteries at least once a year, no matter how much you use the ClassPad during that time.
  The batteries that come with the ClassPad discharge slightly during shipment and storage. Because of 
this, they may require replacement sooner than the normal expected battery life.
Backing Up Data
ClassPad data can be converted to a VCP file or XCP file and transferred to a computer for storage. For details, 
see “15-2 Performing Data Communication between the ClassPad and a Personal Computer”.