Kodak i800 Series User Manual

Page of 123
A-61510  January 2005 
Image outputs 
i800 Series Scanners can return bi-tonal, grayscale or color images to 
the host. Below is a description of the valid combinations.  
All i800 Scanners are duplex scanners. This means both the front and 
the rear side of each document may be captured. For each side 
captured, the scanner creates a bi-tonal/binary only (i810/i830) or a 
bi-tonal/binary and color/grayscale (i820/i840) image. The host 
application controls which of these images is transferred to the host to 
be stored as an image file. For example, for an i840 Scanner if all four 
images are returned to the host, the following four files could be created: 
Front bi-tonal/binary: FB.tif. This image file represents the 
contents of the front side of the document using one-bit per pixel. 
Front color: FC.jpg. This image file represents the contents of the 
front side of the document using 24-bits per pixel. 
Rear bi-tonal/binary: RB.tif. This image file represents the contents 
of the rear side of the document using one-bit per pixel. 
Rear color: RC.jpg. This image file represents the contents of the 
rear side of the document using 24-bits per pixel. 
NOTE:  Actual file formats are determined by the host application. 
Through the application these image files can be controlled 
FB.tif (front bi-tonal) 
FC.jpg (front color) 
RB.tif (rear bi-tonal) 
RC.jpg (rear color)