Fujifilm 16309393-3-KIT User Manual

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Using the Menus: Playback Mode
Edit movies.
Remove opening or ending footage to create an edited copy of the current movie.
 Display the desired movie.
i  MOVIE EDIT in the playback menu, then select MOVIE TRIMMING. To remove 
footage from the start of the copy, proceed to Step 3; otherwise, proceed to Step 4.
 Press the selector down to begin playback and press it down again when the new opening 
frame is reached.
 Press  MENU/OK. To remove footage from the end of the copy, proceed to Step 5; otherwise, 
proceed to Step 6.
 Press the selector down to begin playback and press it down again when the new closing 
frame is reached.
 Press MENU/OK to save the copy.
Add existing footage to the end of the current movie to create an edited copy.
 Display the desired movie.
MOVIE EDIT in the playback menu, then select MOVIE JOIN.
 Press the selector left or right to highlight a movie.
 Press MENU/OK to add the highlighted footage to the end of the current movie and save the 
resulting copy, or press DISP/BACK to exit without creating a copy.
R Both movies must have been recorded at the same frame size and frame rate and have a 
Both movies must have been recorded at the same frame size and frame rate and have a 
combined fi le size of no more than 2 GB.
combined fi le size of no more than 2 GB.