games-pc dungeon siege User Manual

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astle Ehb
    Not far from the Droog Cliffs of Fire stands 
Castle Ehb, deemed the only impenetrable 
castle other than the legendary Palace of Night in the Empire of the 
Stars. Designed by 10
 Legion engineers, Castle Ehb is built on a hill 
of solid granite and commands a view for miles in all directions.
Originally occupied by the soldiers of the 10
 Legion, the castle is 
now the principal residence of the crowned ruler of the Kingdom of 
Ehb. The Legion command staff is quartered below the palace levels of 
the royal family, and in the deepest levels of the castle, prisoners of 
various stripes serve their sentences in the bleak, lightless dungeons.
Like most castles, Ehb has its share of secrets. It is riddled with 
hidden passages and bandit holes—and few know where all of the 
corridors lead. Stories abound of lost chambers that, once located, 
can never be found again. Some believe these are ghost rooms, left 
over from renovations to the castle over the centuries. Others, mostly 
sorcerers, believe the lost chambers bear the hallmarks of complex 
confusion spells. 
Hidden deep in the castle is the Chamber of Stars. Under penalty 
of death, only the king, queen, or grand mage of the 10
may enter this mysterious chamber, which is rumored to house 
exotic magical artifacts brought back from the 
War of Legions—some of which are said to 
be more powerful than even the greatest 
sorcerers can fathom.
Credits — Gas Powered Games
Designer and Project 
Chris Taylor
Producer and Designer
Jacob McMahon 
Tech Lead
Bartosz Kijanka
Art Directors
Steven Thompson, Mark 
Mike Biddlecombe, Scott 
Bilas, Bartosz Kijanka, 
James Loe, Chad Queen, 
Rick Saenz, Adam 
Network Admin. and 
Assistant Producer
Marsh Macy
Concept Artists
Joe Kresoja, Kevin Pun, 
Darren Lamb, Dave 
Terrain and World 
Dave Dunniway, Kevin 
Pun, Brett Johnson
Animation, Modeling, 
and Texturing
David “Lee” Phemister, 
Joe Kresoja, John 
Gronquist, Carlos 
Textures and Foliage
Darren Lamb
World Designers
Sarah Boulian, Jason 
“Ernsie” Ernsdorff, Brett 
Scripting Engineer
Jason “Ernsie” Ernsdorff
Special Effects and 
Content Engineering
Eric Tams
Offi ce Administrator
Michelle Lloyd
Production Assistants
Carlos Naranjo, Michelle 
Level Designers
David Tomandl, Greg 
Romaszka, Christopher 
Burns, Erik Johnson, 
Ruth Tomandl
Production Coordinator
Bert “Sleepy” Bingham
Story and Dialog
Neal Hallford, Sarah 
Boulian, Bert “Sleepy” 
Bingham, Evan Pongress
In-Game Story Sequences
Evan Pongress
Technical Documentation
Jeremy “Snooker” Snook
Community Coordinator
Darren “Guttyr” Baker
Original Music 
Jeremy Soule, Julian 
Sound Design
Frank Bry
Earthgate Team
Richard Smith, Steve 
Parrott, Pasha Smith, 
Beau Brennen, Kalev 
Tait, Travis Gray, 
Laureen Hart
GPG Test Team
Jeremy “Snooker” Snook 
(Lead), Jason “Freeze” 
Moerbe (Test Lab Lead), 
Jonathan Burns, Jason 
Clark, Jim “Corpse” 
Clark, Steve “BK” 
Crawford, Paul Dahlke, 
Joshua Drollman, Doug 
Jacobs, Jason Kies, Brian 
Moore, Buddy Phillips, 
Ted Snook, Eric 
“Guideon” Snyder, Matt 
Szuch, TJ Wright
Special Thanks 
in Alphabetical Order
Amy Baker, Staci Cearns, 
Stephanie Dunniway, 
Jennifer Kijanka, Eddie 
Lloyd, Collin Martin, 
Tami McMahon, Deb 
Meyer Snook, Donna 
Morina, Carolyn Prentice, 
Sophie Pun, Lindsay 
Saenz, Misty Silver, Jessy 
Tams, Kimberly Taylor 
Additional Thanks
Cheryl Askeland, Don 
“Argyle” Jacques, 
Microsoft Hardware 
Division, Casey Muratori, 
Brett “Bam Bam” 
Parsons, Steve Rabin, 
Steve Snow, Paul Tozour
Uses Bink Video.  
© 1997-2002 by RAD 
Game Tools, Inc. 
Uses Miles Sound 
System. © 1991-2002 
by RAD Game Tools, Inc. 
All voices recorded at 
Bad Animals in Seattle. 
3/12/2002, 4:19 PM