iskratel si2000 callisto821 router User Manual

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SI2000 Callisto821+ Router Users Guide 
Name Description 
Ether Filter Type 
This option is used to select which packets will be sent over this connection 
and which not. Possible options are: 
All: All packets 
Ip: Only IP and ARP packets 
Pppoe: Only PPPoE packets 
Igmp: Only IGMP packets 
IpWithoutIgmp: All IP and ARP packets except IGMP 
None: No packets at all 
Port Filter 
This option allows you to select which other bridge interfaces/ports this 
connection can communicate with. Default value is All. You can write several 
port names separated with commas. 
Port Pvid 
Pvid is default VLAN ID. It is used by bridge when untagged traffic is received 
on this connection to add VLAN tags to the frames. If PVID is equal 1, frames 
will not be tagged. Otherwise appropriate tag will be added to all untagged 
frames. Tagged frames will be kept unchanged. 
Ingress Filtering Status 
Enable or disable ingress filtering on this connection. 
Frame Access Type 
Type of ethernet frames allowed to be transferred on this connection. Either 
ALL or VLAN tagged only. 
Port Default User Priority 
Default user priority is 802.1p priority field used for untagged packets. Same 
rules as for PVID apply. 
Num Traffic Classes 
Number of 802.1p traffic classes bridge is aware of. Default value is 8. 
Regen Priority0 -7 
Array of this fields is used to change priority of all traffic. Default value is 1-1 
setting which does nothing. 
Traffic Class Map0 - 7 
Used to map different 802.1p priority classes into different output queues. 
4.5 Bridge settings 
This chapter describes bridge operation inside Callisto821+. Bridge is a software process which forwards 
Ethernet packets from one interface to another. Interface can be physical Ethernet or virtual ATM connection 
with appropriate encapsulation method as described in previous chapters. 
Bridge can be configured from main bridge configuration page in Configuration section.