ZyXEL zywall 10 Manual

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Doc.Ref tgbvpn_cg_ZyWall10_en
2.0 – Nov.2004 
VPN version 
4.5  « NO PROPOSAL CHOSEN » error 
115911 Default (SA ZyWALL-P1) SEND phase 1 Main Mode  [SA][VID] 
115913 Default (SA ZyWALL-P1) RECV phase 1 Main Mode  [SA][VID] 
115913 Default (SA ZyWALL-P1) SEND phase 1 Main Mode  [KEY][NONCE] 
115915 Default (SA ZyWALL-P1) RECV phase 1 Main Mode  [KEY][NONCE] 
115915 Default (SA ZyWALL-P1) SEND phase 1 Main Mode  [ID][HASH][NOTIFY] 
115915 Default (SA ZyWALL-P1) RECV phase 1 Main Mode  [ID][HASH][NOTIFY] 
115915 Default phase 1 done: initiator id c364cd70:, responder id 
c364cd72:, src: dst: 
115915 Default (SA ZyWALL-ZyWALL-P2) SEND phase 2 Quick Mode 
115915 Default RECV Informational  [HASH][NOTIFY] with NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN error 
115915 Default RECV Informational  [HASH][DEL] 
115915 Default ZyWALL-P1 deleted 
If you have an « NO PROPOSAL CHOSEN » error, check that the « Phase 2 » encryption algorithms are the 
same on each side of the VPN Tunnel. 
Check « Phase 1 » algorithms if you have this: 
115911 Default (SA ZyWALL-P1) SEND phase 1 Main Mode  [SA][VID] 
115911 Default RECV Informational  [NOTIFY] with NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN error 
122623 Default (SA ZyWALL-P1) SEND phase 1 Main Mode  [SA][VID] 
122625 Default (SA ZyWALL-P1) RECV phase 1 Main Mode  [SA][VID] 
122625 Default (SA ZyWALL-P1) SEND phase 1 Main Mode  [KEY][NONCE] 
122626 Default (SA ZyWALL-P1) RECV phase 1 Main Mode  [KEY][NONCE] 
122626 Default (SA ZyWALL-P1) SEND phase 1 Main Mode  [ID][HASH][NOTIFY] 
122626 Default (SA ZyWALL-P1) RECV phase 1 Main Mode  [ID][HASH][NOTIFY] 
122626 Default phase 1 done: initiator id c364cd70:, responder id 
c364cd72:, src: dst: 
122626 Default (SA ZyWALL-ZyWALL-P2) SEND phase 2 Quick Mode 
122626 Default RECV Informational  [HASH][NOTIFY] with INVALID_ID_INFORMATION error 
122626 Default RECV Informational  [HASH][DEL] 
122626 Default ZyWALL-P1 deleted 
If you have an « INVALID ID INFORMATION » error, check if « Phase 2 » ID (local address and network 
address) is correct and match what is expected by the remote endpoint.  
Check also ID type (“Subnet address” and “Single address”). If network mask is not check, you are using a 
IPV4_ADDR type (and not a IPV4_SUBNET type). 
Check in ZyWALL SA monitor if a previous SA is still alive. 
4.7  I clicked on “Open tunnel”, but nothing happens. 
Read logs of each VPN tunnel endpoint. IKE requests can be dropped by firewalls. An IPSec Client uses UDP 
port 500 and protocol ESP (protocol 50). 
4.8  The VPN tunnel is up but I can’t ping ! 
If the VPN tunnel is up, but you still cannot ping the remote LAN, here are a few guidelines: 
•  Check Phase 2 settings: VPN Client address and Remote LAN address. Usually, VPN Client IP address 
should not belong to the remote LAN subnet  
•  Once VPN tunnel is up, packets are sent with ESP protocol. This protocol can be blocked by firewall. 
Check that every device between the client and the VPN server does accept ESP 
•  Check your VPN server logs. Packets can be dropped by one of its firewall rules. 
IPSec VPN Router Configuration 
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