AudioControl LC6i Owner's Manual

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Placement & Mounting of the LC6i
Your LC6i can be physically installed in numerous locations like 
behind your dashboard, under a seat, or even in the trunk.  Since you 
will be connecting to the speaker wires from the factory source unit or its 
amplier(s), you should select a location that is convenient for wiring. 
Once you have selected a permanent mounting location, position the unit 
and mark the appropriate mounting holes with a felt-tip pin or scratch 
awl.  Before doing anything else, make sure you are not about to drill 
a hole in a gas tank or pierce any existing wiring.  Nothing ruins your 
day more than an expensive repair bill.  Drill a few small pilot holes and 
secure the chassis of the LC6i with self-tapping screws.
LC6i Power Wiring
WARNING: Failure to disconnect the negative terminal of your battery 
prior to the installation of your LC6i can result in a warm tingly feeling. 
(+12V) Positive Connection: Insert a 12 to18 gauge wire into the con-
nector labeled “+12” on the nifty connector of your LC6i.  Connect it to a 
good constant source of 12 volts (we suggest the battery), fused at 1 amp.
Ground Connection: Use the same gauge wire as you did for the 
positive connector and run it from the “Ground” connector on your LC6i 
to the negative terminal of the battery, a ground bus, or a veried ground 
location.  The factory head unit ground is not a good ground!
Remote In: Connect a 22 to 18 gauge wire from the source unit’s 
remote turn-on or other trigger to the Remote connector on the LC6i.  As 
we previously mentioned, your LC6i is equipped with GTO signal sens-
ing which allows it turn on when it detects a signal at the Main speaker-
level inputs so you may not need to use the “Remote In” feature.
Remote Out: If you are going to use the LC6i to turn on any external 
signal processors or ampliers, connect an 18 to 22 gauge wire from the 
Remote Out on the LC6i to the remote turn-on of the processors or am-
pliers.  Depending upon how many you are turning on, you may need to 
connect this wire to a relay and route 12 volts from another source.
 Once the electrical connections are complete, you will want to re-
connect the negative terminal to your battery, however continue to act 
LC6i Audio Wiring
The LC6i needs to be installed in the signal path after your factory 
source unit or amplier but denitely before your aftermarket ampliers 
and/or any signal processors. You may already have guessed there are 
numerous ways to congure the LC6i in your audio system so we recom-
mend you spend a little quality time planning out your system and even 
sketching it out on paper.