Graupner GmbH & Co. KG MC-20 User Manual

Page of 324
Receiver initialization
  Receiver initialization
Preliminary remarks about the GR-32 DUAL receiver
Receiver system
 HoTT remote control set includes a type 
GR-32 DUAL, 2.4 GHz bidirectional receiver for 
connecting up to 16 servos.
After switching on this HoTT receiver, should "its" 
transmitter not be within range or switched off, then 
the receiver's red LED will illuminate continuously for 
about 1 s then begin to blink slowly. This indicates the 
receiver has not (yet) established a link to a Graupner
HoTT transmitter. If a link has been established, the 
green LED will illuminate continuously and the red 
LED will extinguish. 
In order to establish a link to the transmitter, the 
Graupner HoTT receiver must fi rst be "bound" to 
"its" particular model memory in "its" Graupner
HoTT transmitter. This procedure is known as 
"binding". This "binding" linkage is only necessary 
once for each receiver/model memory combination. 
Refer to pages 77 or 85. The "binding" procedure 
has been done at the factory for model memory 
1 of the units delivered together as a set so this 
"binding" procedure will only be necessary to link 
additional receivers or if a memory location change 
becomes necessary (and – e.g. after a change of 
transmitter – can be repeated anytime).
On-board voltage display
The current voltage of the receiver's power supply will 
be shown in the right side of the transmitter's screen 
if a telemetry link exists between the receiver and 
Temperature warning
Should the receiver's temperature sink below an 
adjustable threshold (default value -10 °C) or rise 
above an adjustable threshold (default value +55 °C) 
, an acoustic warning will be issued by the transmitter 
in the form of a uniform beep of about 1 s duration. 
The aforementioned threshold limits are stored and 
adjusted in the receiver.
Servo connections and polarity
Graupner HoTT receiver servo connections are 
numbered. The connectors used are keyed against 
polarity reversal. Pay attention to the small side 
chamfers when plugging in these connectors. Never 
use force. 
The four outer, vertical connectors, designated with 
"B + -" are intended for battery connections.
Do not reverse the polarity of this connection. 
Reversed polarity could destroy the receiver and 
devices attached to it.
The supply voltage is bussed across (i.e. common 
for) all numbered connections. The function of 
every individual channel is determined by the 
transmitter used, not by the receiver. It is not only 
the throttle servo connection which is different for 
every manufacturer and model type. For example, in 
Graupner remote control systems the throttle servo is 
on channel 1 for winged aircraft and on channel 6 for 
helicopter models. 
Concluding notices:
The signifi cantly greater servo resolution 
characteristic of the HoTT system produces a 
noticeably fi rmer response behavior in comparison 
to previous technology. Please take the time to 
familiarize yourself with this sensitive behavior.
If you have a speed controller with integrated 
BEC* arranged in parallel with the receiver battery, 
its positive pole (red cable) may to be removed 
from the 3-pole connector. Be sure to look for 
notices about this in the instructions for the speed 
controller used.
With a small screwdriver, carefully lift up the the 
connector's center latch (1) just a bit then pull out 
the red lead (2) and tape it up 
with insulation tape to prevent 
possible short circuits (3).
Follow the installation instructions on page 52 for the 
receiver, the receiver antenna and for mounting the 
To execute a reset of the receiver, press and hold the 
 button on the receiver's top-side while switching 
the power supply on. 
If a receiver reset is done while the transmitter is 
switched off or on a receiver which is not bound, 
the receiver's LED will slowly blink red for about 
2 or 3 seconds. Now release the button again. The 
binding process can now be initiated right away on the 
If reset is done on a bound receiver and the 
corresponding model memory is active in the 
powered on transmitter, the LED will illuminate in 
green after 2 or 3 seconds as an indication that 
the transmitter/receiver system is again ready for 
operation. Now release the button again.
 Please note the following: 
A receiver RESET will cause ALL receiver 
settings, except for binding information, to return 
to their factory settings. 
Therefore if a RESET is triggered unintentionally, 
any custom settings that had been present in 
the receiver before the reset will have to be 
established again by way of the Telemetry menu.
A deliberate RESET is recommended, especially 
if a receiver is to be "transferred" into another 
model. This is a rather simple method to eliminate 
settings which are no longer applicable.
*  Battery Elimination Circuit