Mitel Deutschland GmbH 68635RFP36U-01 User Manual

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SIP-DECT OM System Manual 
<SetRemoteAccess enable="1" /> 
### Request a valid PARK from a Server #### 
<PARKFromServer /> 
### Set DECT Regulatory Domain ### 
<SetDECTRegDomain regDomain="EMEA" /> 
### Set WLAN Domain/contry ### 
<SetWLANRegDomain regDomain="DE" /> 
### Enable Auto-create on subscription #### 
<SetDevAutoCreate enable="1" /> 
### Set DECT AC #### 
<SetDECTAuthCode ac="35239" /> 
### Set specific user data URL #### 
<SetUserDataServer plainText="1" useCommonFileNameOnServer="1" ><url enable="1" 
protocol="HTTPS" host="" path="/lpueschel/test/" username="lpueschel" 
password="lpueschel" validateCerts="0" /></SetUserDataServer> 
### Set SIP Proxy and Registrar ### 
<SetBasicSIP transportProt="UDP" proxyServer="" proxyPort="5060" 
regServer="" regPort="5060" regPeriod="3600" /> 
### use addId="" for Login at DECT DECT phone #### 
<SetDECT phoneLoginVariant login="ID" /> 
#### Set Portrange 17000 - 32767 #### 
<SetPortRangeSIP ><userUdpTcp startPort="17000" endPort="17511" /><userTls 
startPort="18000" endPort="18511" /></SetPortRangeSIP> 
#### Set SOS/ManDown emergency number #### 
<SetAlarmTrigger><trigger id="0" triggerId="SOS" fac="SOS" comment="" num="110" 
<SetAlarmTrigger><trigger id="1" triggerId="MANDOWN" fac="MANDOWN" comment="" num="112" 
### Set common voice mail number ### 
<SetSysVoiceboxNum voiceboxNum="6333" />   
Configuration files must be automatically generated in a standardized way to avoid 
configuration  failures.  Configuration  failures  could  cause a S IP-DECT  system 
Note that this configuration file approach has limitations. For example: 
insufficient for managing data objects that are dynamically created and addressed by an index (e.g. 
no administrator feedback for commands that cannot be processed (e.g., unknown commands, invalid 
parameter, conflicts which other configuration settings) User Data in Configuration Files 
Configuration files are generally insufficient for managing data objects that are dynamically created and  
addressed by an index. Therefore, it is necessary to configure user data also. This allows providers to 
manage the user data (to a limited extent) without using the <user>.cfg files.