Good Technology Inc. G100 User Manual

Page of 136
Composing Text
User’s Guide
Proprietary and Confidential – Beta 3
Use and Disclosure Governed by Good Technology, Inc. NDA
Composing Text
The handheld includes a fully-functional QWERTY keyboard you can 
use to compose text for email messages, notes, and so on.
Basic Keys
Key Function
Press the Space key to type a blank space.
In email addresses, press Space twice to enter an @ symbol. 
Press Space again to enter a dot (.) in an email address. Press 
Space again to automatically enter a com suffix. You can 
continue to press Space to cycle though, and 
When typing text in a message body, note, or task, you can 
press Space twice to enter a period. 
Shift + letter
To type upper-case letters, hold down the Shift key
then press one or more letter keys. Alternatively, you can 
briefly hold down a letter key to capitalize a letter. Or, press 
and release the Shift key and then press a letter key.
When the Shift key is active, an up arrow
 appears in the 
top right corner of all screens except the home and 
handheld lock screens, where it’s in the lower right corner.
Shift Lock
To set the Shift lock, press the Shift key twice. Press Shift 
again to release the lock.
When the Shift lock is active, the Shift Lock indicator
appears in the top right corner of all screens except the 
home and handheld lock screens, where it’s in the lower 
right corner.
Alt + letter
To type the number or symbol printed in green at the top of 
a key, hold down the green-colored Alt key
 and then 
press one or more letter keys. Or, press and release the Alt 
key and then press a letter key. 
When the Alt key is active, the Alt key indicator
appears in the top right corner of all screens except the 
home and handheld lock screens, where it’s in the lower 
right corner.