Good Technology Inc. G100 User Manual

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Additional Applications
User’s Guide
Proprietary and Confidential – Beta 3
Use and Disclosure Governed by Good Technology, Inc. NDA
Changing Appointments
To change an appointment:
Click the Calendar icon
Select the appointment you want to change. Then press the Menu 
key and do either of the following:
To edit an appointment, choose Edit from the menu.
To delete an appointment or cancel a meeting, choose Delete. 
You can edit only appointments that you created. For recurring 
appointments you created, you can edit a specific occurrence or 
the subject, location, notes, or attendees for the series of meetings. 
You cannot use the handheld to change the dates, times, or other 
rules for a series. 
When you have finished changing the appointment, press the 
Menu key and choose Save from the menu.
The changes are sent to any attendees you invited. Attendees 
deleted from a meeting are not notified. 
Setting Calendar Options
To set calendar options:
Click the Calendar icon
Press the Menu key and choose Calendar Options from the menu.
Sets the start and end times that 
appear on the calendar.
Sets a default time for reminders
Click to get a confirmation message 
before deleting appointments.