Cardionet 1005 User Manual

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4.  Sensor
Taking Care of the CardioNet Sensor     39
Electrode Pad
When you’re
wearing the
sensor on a belt
clip, the sensor is
upside down.
Remember that it is important to place the new electrode
pads in the right spots, as close as possible to the original
pad locations. It is also very important to connect the right
color lead to each electrode – so the CardioNet Patient
Service Center receives accurate heartbeat information.
White lead
 – snaps on an electrode pad placed just below
 the center of your right collarbone.
Black lead
 – snaps on an electrode pad placed just below
the center of your left collarbone.
Red lead
snaps on an electrode pad placed just on your
 left side, on the lower part of your rib cage.
Placement for Leads
Upper Right Chest
White Lead
The sensor leads
easily snap on
and off  the
electrode pads.
Upper Left Chest
Black Lead
Lower Left Rib Cage
Red Lead