Rees Scientific Corporation RSCH User Manual

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Chirper transmitters 
The V2 line of Chirper transmitters consists of probe attached, one-way communication devices that 
periodically transmit data to a system connected receiver.  Incorporating unique identifiers and working in the 
lower frequency 418/433MHz frequency band, Chirper transmitters are ideal for the crowded lab environments 
found in today’s businesses.   
Connecting a Chirper Base to the System 
Before an endpoint Chirper transmitter can be connected to the system, the other end of the line, a chirper 
receiver, must be attached to the system.  Whether you are connecting a BASE-Net, BASE-Zigbee, or any other 
Chirper base to the system refer to the standalone instructions regarding these components for system 
Connecting a Chirper Transmitter to the System 
Once a Chirper base has been added to the system the addition of a specific transmitter is as easy as selecting it 
from the drop-down list.  In the figures below the BASE receiver is connected on IP:  
1)  Select the Chirper Base MPX selection module from the drop-down list