Proxim HRFBRIDGE User Manual

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1. Introduction
Thank you for purchasing Proxim’s Symphony-HRF Cordless Gateway, a
member of the Symphony Cordless Networking Suite.  The Symphony-HRF
Cordless Gateway interoperates with Symphony Cordless Adapters to deliver
reliable, hassle-free networking for your laptops and desktops without the
use of wires or cables.  With the addition of the Cordless Gateway to a
Symphony Cordless Network, you can provide high-speed Internet access to
Symphony computers from a cable modem, xDSL modem, or ISDN router, or
you can connect Symphony computers to an existing Ethernet Local Area
Network (LAN).
The Cordless Gateway, like the other members of the Symphony Cordless
Networking Suite, is based on Proxim’s award-winning wireless technology
used daily by banks, hospitals, and corporations around the world.  You can
expect this same reliability from the Symphony products in your home or
small office.
If you have recently upgraded to a form of high-speed Internet access that no
longer requires the use of an analog modem, such as ISDN, xDSL, or service
from a local cable company, you may be able to provide this high-speed
access to all members of the Symphony Cordless Network simultaneously!
The Symphony-HRF Cordless Gateway also provides a convenient solution
for consumers who already have an existing Ethernet LAN in their home or
small office but also want the increased flexibility and mobility provided by
a cordless system.  A cordless computer can share files and printers as if it
were another member of the Ethernet backbone.  Laptops can become free of
wires and cables so you can check E-Mail, surf the Internet, or exchange files
from anywhere in your home or backyard!  Desktop computers in hard to wire
locations can now enjoy connectivity with the rest of the network.
This manual provides all of the information necessary to install and config-
ure not only the Symphony-HRF Cordless Gateway, but also the Symphony
Adapters that you will use in conjunction with this device.  However, you
may want refer to the Symphony Adapters User’s Manual for detailed
installation and troubleshooting instructions.